Data Validation Tool
Verify your NeTEx data
- Developed by the DATA4PT project
- To verify if data is of high-quality, accessible and conforming with EU standards
- For static data such as timetables, fare offers and route descriptions
The DATA4PT project aims to advance data-sharing practices in the public transport sector by supporting the development of data exchange standards and models, to fulfil the needs of multimodal travel information service providers.
By supporting EU Member States in deploying a set of harmonised European public data standards (Transmodel, NeTEx and SIRI), DATA4PT wants to enable union-wide multimodal travel information services and contribute to a seamless door-to-door travel ecosystem across Europe that covers all mobility services.
I want to know moreDATA4PT aims to advance how data in Europe is treated and shared, to further improve the mobility services. The main objectives of DATA4PT consist of technical and organisational activities to facilitate the development and deployment of the European public transport data standards Transmodel, NeTEx and SIRI.
Public transport services rely increasingly on information systems to ensure reliable, efficient operation and widely accessible, accurate passenger information.
Data4PT’s overall objective is to support the development of data exchange standards and models, to fulfil the needs of multimodal travel information service providers.
“Transmodel” is the short name for the European Standard “Public Transport Reference Data Model” (EN 12896). It contributes to improving a number of features of public transport information and service management: in particular, the standard facilitates interoperability between information processing systems of the transport operators and agencies.
MoreNeTEx has been developed under the aegis of CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) and is the most recent development stage in over fifteen years work to systemise and harmonize European passenger information data.
MoreSIRI was established as European standard in October 2006. It is a CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) and Technical Standard that specifies a European interface standard for exchanging information about the planned, current or projected performance of real-time public transport operations between different computer systems.
More(Operating Raw Data and statistics exchange) is an CEN initiative under TC278/WG3 with main focus on the identification of Public Transport raw data to be exchanged, gathered and stored in order to support Study and Control of Public Transport Service.
MoreOne of the objectives of the DATA4PT project is to support entities with the implementation of the data standards NeTEx, Transmodel and SIRI. You can submit your questions, requests or requirements, and our expert team will help you!
18 June 2024
Read here our official press release on the conclusion of DATA4PT. In our constantly-developing world where innovation is key and we are, more than ever, trying to build a greener...
More17 May 2024
On 15 May, the DATA4PT project drew to a close at the IT-TRANS Conference in Karlsruhe. After more than 4 years, partners, experts, EU Member States and other stakeholders got...