
DATA4PT at the NAPCORE Mobility Data Days: key takeaways

If we want to encourage multimodal travel behaviour, the public transport sector also has to act multimodal – for this, we need data at heart of public transport. Emphasising this message, DATA4PT had the pleasure of attending the NAPCORE Mobility Data Days in Budapest, early November 2023.

In multiple sessions, DATA4PT experts took to the stage to exchange and explore how data can be used to push mobility forward.

In the session ‘Implementations of Multimodal Travel Information Services and Reflections on Upcoming Multimodal Digital Mobility Services’, speakers shared experiences on the implementation of Multimodal Travel Information Services (MMTIS) across Europe. Moderated by DATA4PT Technical Manager ITxPT’s Anastasia Founta, the session welcomed the following speakers:

  • Updates on the revision of MMTIS and reflections on MDMS, Petra Soderqvist (DG Move)
  • MMTIS and MDMS – insights from the public transport sector, Sabrina Ropp (UITP, Stadtwerke Wien (Vienna)
  • MMTIS NAP implementation in Sweden, Johan Hammar (Samtrafiken) 
  • MMTIS NAP implementation and synergies in Italy, Fabrizio Arneodo (5T)

UITP EU affairs expert Sabrina Ropp presented UITP’s position on MMTIS and shared reflections on MDMS. She explained that in Vienna’s case, DATA4PT has been a great help in showing how to conduct data standards mapping and the conversion to EU standards.

Johan Hammar from Sweden, Samtrafiken, spoke about how they started the open data project in 2018, which ran until 2020. He presented how Samtrafiken publishes data in NeTEX and GTFS and how the collaboration with DATA4PT provides benefits to improve data quality in the expected standards (Read more about that in the interview). Finally, Fabrizio presented the Italian case, highlighting how the data validation tool by DATA4PT serves as very helpful initiative to improve the quality of data in Italy. Overall, the session showed the very successful efforts by the mobility data sector to align with the EU multimodal standards to advance data quality and multimodal travel.

‘NAPCORE’s future – here to stay’ was another important session held in the Napcore MMD. This session provided insights into the current discussions about the continuation of Napcore as coordination mechanism, where the multimodal aspect will be more highlighted. DATA4PT project’s activities are used to inspire the next steps of Napcore and dicsussions on how the outcomes of those two successful programmes can be leveraged in a complementary way to design a NAPCORE 2 where held. This perspective also guarantees that DATA4PT activities and services will remain beyond the end of DATA4PT timespan.  

Alongside the MMTIS session, DATA4PT featured in various other sessions, including the ‘Parking data as mutimodal data in relation to MMTIS delegated regulation‘ and ‘Challenges of rail interoperability within the scope of multimodal booking aspects.’


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