
How DATA4PT supports Member States with providing NeTEx as open data on National Access Points

One of the main objectives of the DATA4PT project is to support EU Member States with the implementation of National Access Points (NAPs). Because while some Member States already have well-developed National Access Points, others don’t have any. National Access Points are set up to facilitate access, easy exchange and reuse of transport related data, in order to help support the provision of EU-wide interoperable travel and traffic services to end users.

Complying with the EU Regulation on multimodal transportation services requires sharing data on the National Access Points in one of the standards (e.g., NeTEx and SIRI) indicated by the European Commission. Ideally, all Member States will provide NeTEx files according to the European Passenger Information Profile (EPIP) on their respective National Access Point.

DATAPT has created artifacts to simplify producing and quality assure such information. To fulfil the goals of the ITS Directive Delegated Regulation EU 2017/1926; some practical work is required on the data producer side, and it makes a big difference for the consumers of the information if it is provided in a uniform way across all the Member States.

The documents created by the DATA4PT project aim to make it easier to understand, produce and verify the needed information according to the NeTEx Passenger Information Profile.  Hopefully this contribution will simplify the task of providing Union-wide multimodal travel information services and data-sharing in public transport in general.

Check out DATA4PT’s guidelines on the provision of NeTEx as open data in our Knowledge Database here.

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